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Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Science and its Branches With Explanation

Description of Science:

Science is the name of knowledge/Information which root on predictions, experiment, observation, inference or hypothesis, ideology and facts which are recognize as the method of science in easy way the science in which we talk about related to human, environment then obtain the knowledge around the environment and then try to explained it called Science.

Branches of Science:

Science has very high scope that’s why without distributing science it’s make a trouble to comprehend & teaching so there are numerous of types of science which is mention below:

Science and its Branches With Explanation, Description of Science, Branches of science, Chemistry science, Physics Science, Biology science
Science and its Branches With Explanation 
  • Chemistry
  • Physics,
  • Biology
  • Zoology, Botany
  • Oceanology
  • Space Science or Astronomy
  • Geology, Human Biology
  • Life Science
  • Earth Science

Chemistry Science:

Chemistry is the br5anch of science in which the chemical and their chemical properties, carbon chemistry composition and characteristics, chemical reaction, is called chemistry. Chemistry science has divided to several types to understand which is mentioned below:
  • Physical Chemistry and Biochemistry 
  • Industrial Chemistry and Chemistry of Analytical 
  • Organic Chemistry and Inorganic Chemistry 

Physics Science:

Physics is the branch of science in which study related to matter, energy, and their Properties and how their interaction with atomic, nuclear, modern science is called physics science and Physics science is divided into numerous types to comprehend which is mentioned below:
  • Thermodynamics Physics
  • Atomic Physics and Modern Physics 
  • Nuclear Physics and Electronic Physics 
  • Electro Magnetism Physics and Statistical Physics 
  • Molecular Physics and Optical Physics 
  • Classical Physics and Matter Condensed or Liquefies Physics. 

Biology Science:

Biology is the Branch of science in which we study about which study about living organism such as plants, human, animal, bacteria called biology science. The word biology is taken from Greek word. Bio means life and logy mean study so the branch of science in There is numerous branches of biology which is easy to comprehend it which is mentioned below:
  • Geography Biology and Evolution Biology 
  • Physiology and Morphology 
  • Agriculture Biology and Forestry Biology 
  • Economical and Taxonomy Biology 
  • Biology of Science Medicine and Biology of Genetics 
  • Molecular Biology and Paleontology 
  • Horticulture and Animal Biology 

These are main branches of science which i have explained above furthermore one by one i will its branches explain as soon as possible. if you have any query or any demand you can contact us though comments me below:

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